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"You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously."


Steve Maraboll

Edina sitting and leaning against a gray couch in a pink tank top and jeans while smiling.

About Me

I have been through many major transitions in my life such as moving multiple times between  states, countries and even continents. I went through infertility, miscarriages, career changes  and divorce. 


I have readily given up the comfort of the known, taken 2 steps back and started from scratch, because I have faith in the process of choosing to live in alignment with my values. I have gained the awareness of recognizing my inner voice over toxic chatter. I want the same for you! 

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The beginning...

I grew up in a small town in Hungary, always feeling like an outsider. I was smart and  quiet, not exactly common traits of popular kids.


As a middle child who longed for positive attention, I believed I had to earn my place of  belonging. I became a perfectionist and over-achiever. 
Hence, though I didn’t know the language, at 23 I moved to Switzerland with nothing but  a suitcase and $200 to pursue my Phd in chemistry.  


That over achiever and deeply rooted need to earn my place in the world provided ample  motivation to keep pushing myself and 3 ½ years later I publicly defended my chemistry PhD in  French. 

young happy girl riding on a swing
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