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A view of a desk with a laptop, phone, books, and other items. Clean Gold/White/Pink aesthetic.


What is Coaching?

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The International Coaching Federation (ICF) which has been considered “the main accrediting and credentialing body for both training programs and coaches” defines coaching as follows:
Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.


Coaching is NOT giving advice, providing a roadmap or teaching you a success formula. While these approaches can lead to some progress, they are usually not leading to sustainable, long term solutions. 
As a life coach I believe that YOU are the expert of your life. I utilize a research based approach, called Core Energy Coaching, to help you see what changes you can make in your life to help you reconnect with your CORE value and design a life that is in alignment with your true self. 

What is Coaching?
Edina sitting on a couch with her ipad leaning on her leg, holding a stylus, and smiling.

Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessment

(Including online assessment ~20min and debriefing ~60min) 
Change starts with awareness but when our life is largely influenced by social standards,  we are often unable to tune into listening to our inner voice.
Energy Leadership Index™ (ELI) assessment, a proprietary, research-backed assessment  tool, helps us understand the way in which you see yourself, the world, and everyone in  it. 
The awareness and insights gained through the ELI debrief, will give you the opportunity  to reshape your attitudes and worldview and be more in alignment of WHO you truly are. 

ELI Assessment

1:1 Life Coaching

My Life Coaching approach is based on a tangible, research-backed framework, called  the Core Energy Coaching™ model. Core Energy Coaching operates on the understanding that the challenges you face are often symptoms of an underlying cause.  

By only tackling the symptoms, you might be able to modify your actions in the short term, but this approach fails to provide meaningful, long-term solutions. 
During the work with me you will see what changes you can make in your life, zeroing in  on what you really want and breaking through what's holding you back.

Edina sitting at a table while staring at her laptop and smiling.
1:1 Coaching
The word "Self" surrounded by the words "Thought", "Action", and "Feeling" connected by arrows.

Energetic Self Perception Workshop

Our world view is influenced by many factors - our family, past experiences, society etc. These filters create the basis of our belief system and largely determine how we show up in certain situations. Sometimes, these views help us achieve success while other times it creates limitations and holds us back.


During this workshop you will learn about the 7-levels of energy as identified by the Core Energy CoachingTM model and how they influence our consciousness, our reactions and responses to situations and people in all aspects of life.


Understanding these energy levels helps us uncover the thinking and perceptions that might be creating stress or holding us back.

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